We Specialize In Connecting the Dots
Introducing the most talented professionals with the strongest start-ups and online marketing companies on earth while emphasizing true, deep matches of individual and company. In current day careers, we spend the better part of our time and energy in our workplace, and therefore, the connection must be deeper than a mere professional tie – Join always strives to create deep, lasting relationships empowering both sides. Seeing as the digital eco-system is constantly evolving and changing, growing new professions and eliminating others through technological development on a daily basis, we recognize that the best human capital is not necessarily found hidden within the heaps of dry data found on CVs.
In-Depth Analysis
Experience, especially in new professions, is becoming secondary to true abilities, and your next PPC wizard could be a brilliant waiter today. In Join, we've cracked open each position, analyzed the component attributes and practices composing it and have been basing our entry level recruitment on our findings. When it comes to finding senior talents, we analyze the organization, its requirements, its DNA and its business culture to evaluate potentials based on true understanding of not only the professional but the human aspects of the process.Our Methods
Some things we keep to ourselves- for example, our recruitment process. However, we can reveal that only a minor portion of our activity is based on job boards and traditional practices, and we operate mostly within the space most natural to us- the virtual space. Our proprietary system allows us to reach a large variety of talents for every digital position, we maintain ongoing relationships and communications with many hundreds of star candidates and when the opportunity arrives- we know how to send only the most relevant and interesting information their way.Ready to recruit?